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The ggsem app

The core of the package is within its shiny app. User can interactively create network and structural equation modeling diagrams.

Run ggsem (shiny app) locally through a browser

From ggsem app to ggplot2

After working with the app, users can save the data into CSV, and then convert them into a ggplot output. So, users can control fine details of the aesthetics using ggplot2 directly.

Convert CSV files (from ggsem Shiny app) to ggplot output
Get axis range of a ggplot object
Draw points from a point CSV file (from ggsem Shiny app) on a ggplot object
Draw lines from a line CSV File (from ggsem Shiny app) on a ggplot object
Draw self-loop arrows from a self-loop arrow CSV file (from ggsem Shiny app) on a ggplot object
Write text annotations from an annotation CSV file (from ggsem Shiny app) on a ggplot object