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This function allows users to remove or manage whitespace around graphical elements. It supports asymmetrical adjustments for each boundary (left, right, bottom, and top). Users can also maintain a fixed aspect ratio if required.


  x_adjust_left_percent = 0,
  x_adjust_right_percent = 0,
  y_adjust_bottom_percent = 0,
  y_adjust_top_percent = 0,
  fixed_aspect_ratio = TRUE



A ggplot2 object. The plot whose axis ranges need adjustment.


Numeric. Percentage by which to expand the left boundary of the x-axis. Default is 0.


Numeric. Percentage by which to expand the right boundary of the x-axis. Default is 0.


Numeric. Percentage by which to expand the bottom boundary of the y-axis. Default is 0.


Numeric. Percentage by which to expand the top boundary of the y-axis. Default is 0`.


Logical. If TRUE, maintains a fixed aspect ratio (1:1). If `FALSE`, allows independent scaling for x and y axes. Default is TRUE.


A ggplot2 object with adjusted axis ranges. The adjusted plot retains its original attributes and is compatible with additional ggplot2 layers and themes.


- **Percentage Adjustments:** The percentages provided for each axis boundary are calculated based on the current axis range. For example, x_adjust_left_percent = 10 expands the left boundary by 10 - **Fixed Aspect Ratio:** When fixed_aspect_ratio = TRUE, the function adjusts either the x-axis or y-axis to maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio. The larger adjustment determines the scaling for both axes.


# CSV files from ggsem app
points_data <- data.frame(
x = 20, y = 20, shape = 'rectangle', color = '#D0C5ED', size = 50,
border_color = '#9646D4', border_width = 2, alpha = 1, width_height_ratio = 1.6, orientation = 45,
lavaan = FALSE, lavaan = FALSE, network = FALSE, locked = FALSE

lines_data <- data.frame(
x_start = 2, y_start = -2, x_end = 10, y_end = -2, ctrl_x = NA, ctrl_y = NA,
type = 'Straight Line', color = '#000000', end_color = '#cc3d3d', color_type = 'Gradient',
gradient_position = 0.35, width = 1.5, alpha = 1, arrow = FALSE,
arrow_type = NA, arrow_size = NA, two_way = FALSE, lavaan = FALSE,
network = FALSE, line_style = 'solid', locked = FALSE

p <- csv_to_ggplot(points_data = points_data,
              lines_data = lines_data,
              zoom_level = 1.2, # Value from the ggsem app
              horizontal_position = 0, # Value from the ggsem app
              element_order = c('lines', 'points')) # order priority: lines < points

adjust_axis_space(p, x_adjust_left_percent = 10, x_adjust_right_percent = 10,
             y_adjust_bottom_percent = 5, y_adjust_top_percent = 5)
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
#> replace the existing one.