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This function saves a ggplot object (created from 'csv_to_ggplot()' function) to a file with dimensions automatically determined based on the x-axis and y-axis ranges of the plot. The size of the output can be further controlled using addtional arguments.


  units = "in",
  dpi = 300,
  aspect_ratio = NULL,
  scale_factor = 0.11,



A string. The name of the output file (e.g., "plot.png").


A ggplot object to save.


A string. Units for width and height. Default is "in" (inches). Other options include "cm" or "mm".


Numeric. Resolution of the output file in dots per inch. Default is 300.


Numeric or NULL. If provided, fixes the aspect ratio of the plot (e.g., 1 for square). If NULL, uses the natural data aspect ratio. Default is NULL.


Numeric. A scaling factor to control the overall size of the saved plot. Default is 0.11.


Additional arguments passed to ggsave().


Saves the ggplot object to the specified file and does not return a value.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# CSV files from ggsem app
points_data <- data.frame(
x = 20, y = 20, shape = 'rectangle', color = '#D0C5ED', size = 50,
border_color = '#9646D4', border_width = 2, alpha = 1, width_height_ratio = 1.6, orientation = 45,
lavaan = FALSE, lavaan = FALSE, network = FALSE, locked = FALSE

lines_data <- data.frame(
x_start = 2, y_start = -2, x_end = 10, y_end = -2, ctrl_x = NA, ctrl_y = NA,
type = 'Straight Line', color = '#000000', end_color = '#cc3d3d', color_type = 'Gradient',
gradient_position = 0.35, width = 1.5, alpha = 1, arrow = FALSE,
arrow_type = NA, arrow_size = NA, two_way = FALSE, lavaan = FALSE,
network = FALSE, line_style = 'solid', locked = FALSE

p <- csv_to_ggplot(points_data = points_data,
              lines_data = lines_data,
              zoom_level = 1.2, # Value from the ggsem app
              horizontal_position = 0, # Value from the ggsem app
              element_order = c('lines', 'points')) # order priority: lines < points

p1 <- adjust_axis_range(p, x_adjust_left_percent = 10, x_adjust_right_percent = 10,
             y_adjust_bottom_percent = 5, y_adjust_top_percent = 5)

# Save with default scaling
save_figure("p1.png", p1)
} # }